
We have experienced the overflowing grace of God, washing clean our deep wounds, our track records, and our shame. It is from undeserved generosity that we are generous – and return our gifts, time, and finances back into God’s Kingdom. As part of our desire to be a generous community, we encourage investment, involvement and participation in our community budget. Personal giving to a favorite charity, project, or organization can bless others, but offering our best (gifts, time, and finances) to our local community can provide release from money’s tight grip and provide the financial ability to see substantial change in our city.

If you are part of the kairos community in Los Angeles, we take time in our weekly gathering each week to respond to God – through giving, through worship, and through taking communion. You are welcome to offer your financial gifts at this time each week.

If you are not in Los Angeles but desire to partner financially with the kairos community, the most efficient method to give is to mail a check or use your bank’s Bill Pay service (if available). Make checks payable to “kairos los angeles” and mail them to:

kairos los angeles
5419 Hollywood Blvd.
Suite C-729
Los Angeles, CA 90027

You can also give online through PayPal:

Please note that PayPal takes a transaction fee out of your gift.  That said, you can click on the link below to donate.